We make it very easy to manage the payments for after school programs. Simply check-in a student, then check-out that student via our user friendly interface. We automatically track the times, calculate the rate, and send parents the invoice for them to pay online. We are here to walk you through the setup if needed.
Our after school management software allows you to easily check students in and out using our search features: simply type in a name, last name or student ID, or filter your student list by grade or homeroom. Manage before and after school programs with a single click.
Automatically track every check in, add it to the child's record, and charge the appropriate rate. You can charge in different increments: by the minute, every 15, every 30, entire hour, or simply charge a flat rate. You can also set up minimum charges and add late fees.
We make it easy to find what you are looking for with a few clicks. We have a variety of pre-built reports where you can view payments, check-in times by date range, groups of students, and many other filters.
Our in-house, US-based customer support is fast and efficient. Available through phone or email support.
We are constantly improving our software and adding new features, and because it's cloud-based you ALWAYS have the latest versions.
Year after year, our customers stay with us because our software is easy-to-use, inexpensive, and reliable.
The all-in cost for our after school management software is $500 per school level or location per year. We specialize in smaller private, charter, and/or religious schools and we have the most affordable and robust after care system on the market.
Try our after care software and get our EZ School Payments software FOR FREE!
Yes, our after school care software is completely cloud based. You don't need to purchase any additional hardware to make it work for your school.
EZ After-School-Care-Program eliminates the use of paper to manage after school and enrichment classes.
There is no limit to the number of parents, children, and employees that can be added into the system.
There is no size limit and can handle both large districts and small districts.
Our After School Care software is specifically designed to checkin, checkout, and calculate charges for students.